Audio Books by Ron Duffield
The Return of the Latter Rain
RLR00 - Introduction
RLR01 - The Early Years
RLR02 - The Latter Rain and the Loud Cry
RLR03 - How Shall We Stand
RLR04 - The Most Precious Message
RLR05 - Stand by Your Post
RLR06 - Three Responses
RLR07 - Return to Battle Creek
RLR08 - The 1889 Revivals - 1
RLR09 - The 1889 Revivals - 2
RLR10 - Baal Worship
RLR11 - The Righteousness of Christ
RLR12 - Faulty Promises
RLR13 - Faulty Guideposts
RLR14 - Convincing Evidence
RLR15 - Stand by the Landmarks
RLR16 - Confused Ideas of Salvation
RLR17 - Religious Liberty
Wounded in the House of His Friends
Wounded in the House of His Friends
WHF-00b - Introduction
WHF-01 - The Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit
WHF-02 - 1889-1891_ Ministerial Institutes and General Conference Sessions
WHF-03 - 1892 Camp-meeting Revivals
WHF-04 - The Battle Creek Revival and Beyond
WHF-05 - The 1893 Ministerial Institute
WHF-06 - Heeding the Counsel of the True Witness
WHF-07 - The 1893 General Conference
WHF-08 - Oh, How My Heart Rejoices
WHF-09 - Satanic Strategies Against the Latter Rain and the Loud Cry
WHF-10 - Another Prophet_ And Charges of Fanaticism
WHF-11 - Achan in the Camp
WHF-12 - Christ's Return Delayed
WHF-13 - The 1901 General Conference
WHF-14 - Minneapolis Not Forgotten
Întoarcerea ploii târzii
IPT00a – Prefata de Herbert Douglass
IPT00b – Marea strigare si ploaia tarzie
IPT01 – Anii timpurii
IPT02 – Ploaia tarzie si marea strigare care va veni
IPT03 – Cum vom sta in timpul ploii tarzii
IPT04 – Cea mai pretioasa solie
IPT05 – Stai la postul tau
IPT06 – Trei raspunsuri
IPT07 – Intoarcerea la Battle Creek
IPT08 – Redesteptarile spirituale din 1889 – 1
IPT10 – Inchinarea la Baal
The Return of the Latter Rain
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